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Light honey or dark honey. Benefits and differences.

The composition of the honey varies slightly depending on the dominant plant in the environment of the hive. Thus, one speaks of one or another type of honey.

Each of the varieties or types of honey have different attributes, which differentiate them and distinguish them from each other. The perception of the aroma, from a floral to a more fruity smell, intense, bitter flavors, etc.

And also, the corresponding variety of honey can be identified by colors, with a scale from the lightest, such as aqua white, to darker shades, such as dark amber.

What determines the color of honey?

The botanical origin of honey, that is, the species pollinated by bees, is a key aspect. Another factor that influences the color of honey is the composition of the nectar of the pollinated flowers.

Another aspect that determines the color of honey is the season of the year in which the collection takes place, as well as the weather. For example, a honey collected in the months of April or May will present a lighter color than that which is collected in August or early autumn.

It must be taken into account that the color of honey is not, in any case, a binding factor to its quality, but rather a factor that determines its attributes.


What type of honey is associated with each color?

The botanical origin of honey greatly influences the type of honey and its color. The honey from a specific area may present different shades of color, the result of the rest of the flowers present in the area, which are not dominant.

In any case, the clearest honeys usually correspond to rosemary, with shades such as white or extra white. Shades such as light or very light amber are related to thyme or orange blossom, with a very floral and intense aroma. Chestnut honey, for example, is associated with amber. And very dark shades are related to eucalyptus honey, for example.

What benefits does clear honey have?

  • It is a source of energy and vitality, being especially indicated for sports professionals or students.
  • Promotes physical and mental activity.
  • It contains a large amount of vitamin A, which is especially indicated for strengthening the skin and the development of mucous membranes.
  • Contributes to improve vision and correct bone development of the human being.
  • Strengthens the immune system.

Honey is sometimes a very healthy option to combat diseases. This is the case, for example, of rosemary honey. It is indicated to treat stomach ulcers, thanks to its ability to decongest the liver.


What are the benefits of dark honey?

  • It has antibacterial qualities.
  • Abundant in minerals.
  • They can work as an extraordinary supplement in the diet of children and people with iron problems.
  • Thanks to vitamin B1, it contributes to the care of the nervous and digestive system, as well as to a correct use of carbohydrates.
  • It contributes to the creation of collagen and acts as a magnificent antioxidant, being especially beneficial to prevent degenerative diseases.

Like its light companion, dark honey is also an excellent option for treating illnesses. This is the case, for example, of heather honey, which works very well for heart disease.

When choosing, light or dark honey?

Depending on its qualities, a type of honey will provide one or the other benefits. These must be previously analyzed by the consumer to decide which honey is most beneficial for him.

In any case, there is no type of honey better than another, but different attributes, qualities and uses.

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