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Maes Honey: leaders in honey exports in Spain

One more year we managed to be leaders in honey exports in Spain.

Although 2020 has been an extremely atypical year and has been full of uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic, Maes Honey has sold more than 8.5 million kilos of honey.

For yet another year, Maes Honey’s honey export figures stand out in 2020, reaching 81.43% of the honey exported by Salamanca, which at the same time represents 69.47% of the honey exported in Castilla y León and 20 , 31% of honey from Spain.

In this way, we have established ourselves as the number one honey export company in Spain, reaching more than 20 countries.

Currently Maes Honey is among the 10 largest packers in Europe and in a few months we will begin the works to expand the facilities, since in 2020 actions to improve and productive efficiency were carried out in the six packaging lines.

This generated the need for more storage space, for which in this year 2021 we will expand the size of our warehouses by 7,500m2.

Maes Honey, líderes en exportación de miel

Balance of the year 2020

After taking stock of the year 2020, it is clear that the Covid factor affected the Horeca line, however, household consumption grew by around 20%. One of the main reasons is due to the natural properties of honey against respiratory tract infections.

Due to a great job and the constancy of Maes Honey, in 2020 we grew by 25% achieving a turnover of 23 million euros; This figure was possible thanks to the total dedication and effort of the entire team, together with the innovations carried out.

In addition to the implementation and improvement of production lines, we incorporated monofloral honeys and organic honey to our range of products, carrying out exports of these varieties in the last quarter of the year.

exportación de miel

Quality in Maes Honey

Another key factor for Maes Honey is the constant commitment to quality. Not only do we have the highest quality certifications, but we also analyze all honey very rigorously in the best and specialized laboratories in Europe.

We are also adding this year the incorporation of several state-of-the-art analytical equipment in our laboratory, in order to make a more agile and efficient first selection of raw materials, with the aim of always offering the customer the highest quality natural honey.

From Maes Honey we will continue working to offer the best honey, seeking to continue growing and thanking your trust in us.

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