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Honey export

exportación de miel maes honey

Maes Honey: leaders in honey exports in Spain

One more year we managed to be leaders in honey exports in Spain. Although 2020 has been an extremely atypical year and has been full of uncertainty due to the coronavirus pandemic, Maes Honey has sold more than 8.5 million kilos of honey. For yet another year, Maes Honey’s honey export figures stand out in 2020, reaching 81.43% of the honey exported by Salamanca, which at the same time represents 69.47% of the honey exported in Castilla y León and

detalle miel cuchara

The honey business in Europe

The honey business in Europe has increased in recent years. Honey is a natural food and this, added to the global demographic increase since a large part of the population is inclined towards healthy foods and not industrially manufactured, led to the consumption of the most famous product made by bees has risen significantly in recent years. Europe is one of the main honey export markets The main buyers of honey produced in the world are Europe and the United

Equipo MAES

The most valuable heritage of MAES

The most valuable heritage of MAES HONEY is its team. And we care that the whole team feels part of the family. Because of this, last night we shared a pleasant evening where we took stock of 2,016. 2017 While we shared laughter, sweetness and enthusiasm to continue in 2.017 being leaders in the honey sector.

alimentaria 2018

Interview with César Redondo, director of Maes Honey

The “General Foundation of the University of Salamanca” has interviewed our general director, César Redondo. He has been interested above all in the balance of 2017 and the outlook for this 2018. Interview with César Redondo, director of Maes Honey. César Redondo explains the change of name of Maes, previously Feyce. “We are still the same team because with this new name we wanted to honor my grandparents. Manuela and Esteban. Who were the ones who started me in the world of

sial maes honey

SIAL, exporting honey from Spain

We have returned from SIAL Paris and after recapitulating all that we have lived we have taken stock. It has been a very intense day, where the hours passed without realizing it. But despite the fatigue we come with the batteries charged thanks to all of you. SIAL, exporting honey from Spain.SIAL is not only a benchmark for the food sector, but also allows us to get closer to suppliers and customers. It is an opportunity to get together with those

miel calidad maes honey

MAES HONEY exports 76% of Salamanca's honey

MAES HONEY is consolidated as a leader in the export of honey in Castilla y León. The end of 2,018 has been difficult for the apicultural sector in Spain. In spite of this, it has been demonstrated that with his effort and perseverance he has returned to get his honey from Salamanca to countries of the most varied. “In the top ten of our 2.018, sales to European countries still predominate, but among the top ten we also find countries

artículo Maes europa

Maes Honey sweetens 35 countries with their honey

Newspaper article, VII Awards for best Director: Enrique santero, export director of Maes Honey. Maes Honey sweetens 35 countries with their honey. It is among the top 10 honey packers in Europe. Much of the blame for Enrique Santero, a degree in Economics from the University of Salamanca.Enrique Santero joined this family business in Aldeatejada (Salamanca) in 2012, dedicated to the production of honey. The department consisted of two people with a foreign trade focused on bulk selling to a

Enrique Santero

Enrique Santero receives the Best Export / Internationalization Manager Award.

Last Thursday, October 8 at 6:00 p.m., the virtual gala of the VII Awards for Best Executive of Castilla y León Económica took place and among the winners is our Export Director, Enrique Santero. Due to the current circumstances, the event was developed in a hybrid way, that is, with an event with the winners held last September, and the ‘online’ broadcast of the gala itself, which could be followed through YouTube. At this event, Ignacio Galán, president of Iberdrola,



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