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World Environment Day

World Environment Day. It’s nature’s hour.

Today, June 5, millions of people around the world will gather to celebrate the date of World Environment Day.
It is one of the most important themes of our country and the planet. A unique opportunity to learn about the main actions, achievements and challenges in environmental matters and thus continue to work for their protection and care.
The Day encourages people to think about how they consume. First to companies, to develop greener models; secondly to farmers and manufacturers, to produce more sustainably; third to governments, to safeguard wilderness; then educators, to inspire students to live in harmony with the Earth; and finally to the young, to become bold guardians of a green future.
From Maes, we invite you all to participate in this celebration in which we exalt the biodiversity that makes us unique to the world and in which we can show that we are doing well the task in the conservation and care of our environment.
We try to be responsible with our productive honey behavior for the good of all. We also know the importance of our beloved bees in their role as biodiversity.
World Environment Day is above all a global platform to inspire positive change, and is based on the precept that global change requires a global community.
It requires all of us.

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