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desayuno saludable

Have a sweet and healthy day with honey

Remember that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, it will give you energy for the whole day. Therefore, remember to add honey in your mornings. At least take a spoonful.You can choose the honey that you like the most. If you are sweet and you like a sweet taste with floral aromas, we recommend flower honey. If on the other hand you are a follower of stronger flavors, do not hesitate, your honey is that of molasses,

Alzheimer maes honey

Alzheimer's Month, do not forget them

September is the Alzheimer’s Month, do not forget them. But it is important to keep this cause in mind throughout the year. There are many people affected throughout the world. And despite the studies that are done there is still no cure. Therefore, the importance of investment in research must be taken into account.This disease was discovered in 1906 due to the strange brain tissue of a deceased woman. However, the cause remains unknown. Currently, people around the patient detect

paz maes honey

International Day of Peace. Not to the war

Today we celebrate the International Day of Peace. Not to the war. Because our world deserves that there is sweetness. In addition, it is something that was exposed many years ago in Article 3 of the Universal Declaration, by which “Every individual has the right to life, liberty and security of person.” In this way, it seeks to strengthen nonviolence to be united with respect, security and dignity.This commemoration began at the beginning of the 80s. Being promoted by the

Start the sweet autumn with honey

Today, September 23 at 03:54, start the sweet autumn with honey!. A time when the countryside is full of beautiful golden and brown colors that remind us so much of honey. In addition, rainy afternoons and not-so-desired colds begin. This time is ideal to be always accompanied by honey. Because we also remember her a lot because we are more at home. And who does not want to accompany with honey those afternoons in which the rain is heard outside?So

Spanish honey harvest. Beekeepers

With the Spanish honey polyflower harvest collected, forest honey campaign has already started. The campaign will be extended even a couple of months. And although there is no easy year, because the weather is an uncontrollable factor, Spain has very profesional beekeepers. We are very proud of the beekeeping of the country, proclaiming its quality to the five continents. There is a lot of effort from the bees until the honey reaches the consumer, but checking the customer’s satisfaction makes it worthwhile. So

sial maes honey

SIAL Paris 2018. Exhibitors: MAES HONEY

From 21 to 25 October the SIAL Paris 2018 fair will be held. One more year Maes Honey could not miss and will be present with a stand. You can visit us in Hall 5A – Confectionery Products, stand 5a J 175. MAES HONEY at SIAL 2018 MAES Honey is a leading company in Spain. It is the main packer and exporter of honey, being present in more than 35 countries. It is a company with apicultural tradition, being therefore aware

hurdes maes honey

Fair of honey of Torrelavega. Spanish forest honey

This weekend the Torrelavega honey and apiculture Fair took place. Where else to have in person the excellent honey of flowers of the country, has also had its prominence the Spanish forest honey that has just been cut.And of course we could not miss this annual appointment. So our shopping director, Laura Maillo, has attended to share this day with beekeepers in Spain. They have been able to talk about the problems of bees, meteorology and even international markets.At the

sial maes honey

SIAL, exporting honey from Spain

We have returned from SIAL Paris and after recapitulating all that we have lived we have taken stock. It has been a very intense day, where the hours passed without realizing it. But despite the fatigue we come with the batteries charged thanks to all of you. SIAL, exporting honey from Spain.SIAL is not only a benchmark for the food sector, but also allows us to get closer to suppliers and customers. It is an opportunity to get together with those

hurdes maes honey

The quality of Spanish honey. Hurdes 2018

This weekend, Maes Honey attended the VI edition of the International Beekeeping and Tourism Fair. We move to Caminomorisco, a town located in the heart of the Hurdes region north of Cáceres.  The quality of Spanish honey. Hurdes 2018. From Friday 9 to Sunday 11 November, the fair has had 75 participants. There was also an exhibition an exhibition of photography of beekeeping and another of machinery of the sector. In addition to other events such as an oil tasting and a

Educar maes honey

Educate in schools with sweetness

The formation of the new generations is something that we must all have in mind. It is important to educate in schools. Children should not only learn about the subjects, but also about values and know what to do to improve the future.Education is childhood is vital. Being the way that good practices remain in the consciousness of the adult of tomorrow. But of course, they should be explained in a way appropriate to their age. With dynamics and getting



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